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Budding Sales


One of our favorite online shops for tween apparel, IsabeeTWEENS is generously offering Greer’s OC subscribers 20% off purchases through Thursday, and giving 10% of the proceeds to Educating Jack & Milly for our two college students in Kenya. Just enter special code "greersoc" for savings.

IsabeeTWEENS specializes in high quality, high-end merchandise for the budding fashionista. Top brand names include Esme Loungewear, Vintage Havana, Malibu Sugar, Tractor Jeans, Biscotti and 100% Gumdrop.



Comfy Cashmere


Oats Cashmere is opening its doors (along with its neighbors Toes on the Nose, Pallie Handbag and Lori Jack Flip Flops) in Newport Beach for a holiday warehouse sale today from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

This is a great opportunity to stock up on great buys on high quality cashmere samples for just $40. Oats Cashmere is the source for affordable luxury cashmere for both ladies and men in an array of colors. Also, choose from cashmere blankets, cashmere hats, scarves, and gloves, wraps, robes and slippers, and children's cashmere blankets.

1537 Monrovia Ave. in Newport Beach.

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